2019年 |
序号 |
论文级别 |
教师 |
作者 |
论文名称 |
刊物名称 |
1 |
A1 |
范红丽 |
范红丽,辛宝英 |
家庭老年照料与农村妇女非农就业——来自中国微观调查数据的经验分析 |
中国农村经济 |
2 |
A1 |
于新亮 |
于新亮,上官熠文,于文广,李倩 |
养老保险缴费率、资本-技能互补与企业全要素生产率 |
中国工业经济 |
3 |
A1 |
于新亮 |
于新亮,上官熠文,刘慧敏 |
新农保、隔代照顾与儿童健康 |
中国农村经济 |
4 |
A2 |
范红丽 |
范红丽,刘素春,陈璐 |
商业健康保险是否促进了居民健康———基于微观数据的实证研究 |
保险研究 |
5 |
A2 |
于新亮 |
于新亮,申宇鹏,熊先军 |
慢病致贫与多层次医疗保障 |
保险研究 |
6 |
A2 |
于新亮 |
于新亮,申宇鹏,李红波 |
新农保非携带性对农村劳动力流动的锁定效应——兼论对新农合锁定效应的替代 |
中国农村观察 |
7 |
A2 |
于新亮 |
于新亮,刘慧敏,杨文生 |
长期护理保险对医疗费用的影响——基于青岛模式的合成控制研究 |
保险研究 |
8 |
B |
闫庆悦 |
闫庆悦,王文娇,石印,褚吉威 |
通货膨胀对寿险保费收入的影响分析 |
山东财经大学学报 |
9 |
B |
于文广 |
于文广,李冰,卢舒,宋可 |
基础养老金统筹层次提升的收入再分配效应 |
财经理论与实践 |
10 |
C |
刘素春 |
刘素春,刘娟,刘昕怡 |
基于Copula方法的大豆收入保险定价研究——以山东省为例 |
保险职业学院学报 |
11 |
C |
王霞 |
朱慧琳,王霞,谢晓涵 |
大病保险发展现状及优化建议 |
理论研究 |
12 |
无级别 |
李轶男 |
李轶男 |
134号文推动保险业回归保障 |
网络舆情 |
13 |
A1 |
范红丽 |
陈璐,范红丽,Lanlan Chu |
The hidden cost of informal care:An empirical study on female caregivers'subjective well-being |
Social Science&Medicine |
14 |
A1 |
于文广 |
阮杰昌,于文广,宋可,孙义涵,黄玉娟,于新亮 |
A note on a generalized Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function for a compound Poisson risk model |
Mathematics |
15 |
A1 |
于文广 |
王云云,于文广,黄玉娟,于新亮,范红丽 |
Estimating the expected discounted penalty function in a compound Poisson insurance risk model with mixed premium income |
Mathematics |
16 |
A1 |
于文广 |
于文广,雍尧棣,管国锋,黄玉娟,苏文,崔超然 |
Valuing guaranteed minimum death benefits by cosine series expansion |
Mathematics |
17 |
A2 |
范红丽 |
范红丽,闫庆悦,Peter C.coyte,于文 |
Does Public Health Insurance Coverage Lead to Better Health Outcomes?Evidence From Chinese Adults |
NQUIRY:The Journal of Health Care Organization,Provision,and Financing |
18 |
A2 |
于文广 |
黄玉娟,于文广,潘宇,崔超然 |
Estimating the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted penalty function for Lévy risk model |
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society |
19 |
A2 |
于文广 |
王云云,于文广,黄玉娟 |
Estimating the Gerber-Shiu function in a compound Poisson risk model with stochastic premium income |
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society |
20 |
B |
金博轶 |
金博轶,李宁 |
The application of Extreme Value Theory in mortality prediction of China |
Proceedings of 2019 China lnternational Conference on Insurance and Risk Management(CICIRM 2019) |
21 |
C |
王海萍 |
王海萍 |
Research on insurance value chain in the environment of mobile Internet |
Proceedings of the 2019 2nd lnternational Conference on Education,Economics and Social Science(ICEESS 2019) |